Embryology Training
Complete Embryology training provides a detailed overview and complete insight into the pre-requisites and techniques of all aspects of the ART laboratory, including the set-up of laboratory, functioning and running of the laboratory, specific procedures, and quality control and ensures the highest possible success rates in an IVF program.
- Complete Semen analysis(according to WHO criteria) and sperm preparation for IUI
- Culture media
- Handling of oocyte under stereo zoom microscope and insemination with sperms
- Denuding eggs
- Single culture and group culture
- Embryo transfer techniques
- I.C.S.I dish preparation
- Advice regarding setting up of IUI and IVF lab
- Sperm Freezing & Embryo freezing
- Doing microinjection (hands-on training IVF and ICSI)
- Vitrification using cryloop and cryotop method
- Doing microinjection (IVF- ICSI hands-on)
- Embryo transfer techniques
- Sperm Freezing
- Pronuclear stage observation
- Sperm preparation for I.V.F & I.C.S.I
- Embryo freezing( 2PN& cell stage) Vitrification of oocyte and Embryos (Cryoloop and Medicult Cryoleaf Method)
- Testicular Biopsy
- IVF Lab. Basics
- Preparation of culture dishes for IVF and ICSI (with and without oil overlay)
- Sterile lab techniques
- Day 3 and Day 5 embryo transfers
- Setting up of an inverted microscope and micromanipulator system for performing ICSI
Aim of the course
- An understanding of the basics of the IVF process.
- Helps one to gain knowledge on different types of culture media and culture conditions
- Knowledge of the practical aspects of IVF, ICSI, sperm analysis, and vitrification process.
- One gets a better understanding of the basic biological principles behind these procedures.